Axe A : Recherche en santé Publique et Sciences Humaines et Sociales

CTNERHI – UERD Unité d’Etudes, Recherches et Développements.

  1. Barral C. (2007). Disabled Persons’ Associations in France, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, vol. 9, Issue 3 & 4, 214-236 (n° spécial French Disability Studies coordonné par I. Ville, JF. Ravaud).
  2. OMS (2008). Classification internationale du Fonctionnement, du handicap et de la santé, version pour enfants et adolescents (CIF-EA), Trad. fr. CTNERHI, Paris, CTNERHI (Cosordination de la traduction française :    M. CUENOT).
  3. Cuenot M., Roussel P. (2009) : De la difficulté de quantifier le handicap psychique : des classifications aux enquêtes, à paraître à l’automne 2009 dans la Revue Française des Affaires Sociales.
  4. Velche D., Cohu S., Lequet-Slama D. (2006). La prise en charge des personnes handicapées en Allemagne, Espagne, Pays-Bas et Suède. Une étude de cas types, Etudes et Résultats, Drees, 506, 12p.
  5. Medina V., Serniclaes W. (2009). Le développement de la perception catégorielle chez les enfants sourds avec implant cochléaire, Connaissances surdités, 27, 7-9.
  6. Sanchez J. (2008). Shaping services to specific needs. The Specific Risks of Discrimination Against Persons in Situation of Major Dependence or with Complex Needs. Final Conference, 4-5 June 2008, Bruxelles.
  7. Barral C., (2008). Reconfiguration internationale du handicap et Loi du 11 février 2005, Lettre de l’enfance et de l’adolescence, n°73.
  8. Brouard C., Roussel P. (2005) Handicap en chiffres, Paris, CTNERHI, DREES, DGAS, juin, 119 p.
  9. Cohu S., Lequet-Slama D. Velche D. (2008). Les politiques en faveur des personnes handicapées aux Etats-Unis et au Canada, Revue française des Affaires sociales, 4, 91-109.
  10. Sanchez J., Medina V., Senpere M., Bounot A. (2006). Suivi longitudinal sur 10 ans d’enfants sourds pré-linguaux implantés et appareillés (rapport à 5 ans, en ligne sur le site du CTNERHI), 262p


INED – UR5 Mortalité, Santé, Epidémiologie.

  1. Caselli Graziella, Vallin Jacques, Wunsch Guillaume (dir.). 2006. Démographie : analyse et synthèse. Paris, Ined, Vol VII : Histoire de idées et politiques de population, VIII + 920 p.
  2. Désesquelles Aline, Salvatore M, Egidi V. 2009. Why do Italian people rate their health worse than French people? An exploration of cross-country differentials of subjective health. Social Science and Medicine 68 (6), p. 1124-8.
  3. Khlat Myriam, Jusot Florence, Ville, Isabelle. 2009. Social origins, early hardship and obesity: A strong association in women, but not in men. Social Science & Medicine 68(9):1692-1699.
  4. Crimmins E., Hayward M., Hagedorn A., Saito Y., Brouard N..- Change in Disability-Free Life Expectancy for Americans 70 Years Old and Older.- Demography, Volume 46, Number 3, August 2009, pp. 627-646 .
  5. Khlat Myriam, Ravaud Jean-François, Brouard Nicolas, Chau N., group Lorhandicap. 2008. Occupational disparities in accidents and roles of lifestyle factors and disabilities. A population-based study in north-eastern France. Public Health, 122 (8), p. 771-783.
  6. Désesquelles Aline. 2005. Le handicap en milieu carcéral en France : quelles différences avec la situation en population générale ? Population-F, 60 (1-2), p. 71-98.
  7. Le Coeur, Sophie, Halembokaka, G., Khlat, Myriam, Brouard, Nicolas., Purhuence, F., M'Pel_e, P., Baty, G., - Barin, F., Lallemant, M. 2005. Impact of Aids on adult mortality: a morgue-based study in pointe-Noire, Republic of Congo. AIDS, 19, p.1683-1687.
  8. Meslé France, Vallin Jacques. 2006. Diverging trends in female old-age mortality: the United States and the Netherlands versus France and Japan. Population and Development Review, 32 (1), p. 123-145.
  9. Lièvre Agnès, Jusot Florence, Barnay Thomas, Sermet Catherine, Brouard Nicolas, Robine Jean-Marie, Brieu Marie-Anne, Forette Françoise. 2007. Healthy working life expectancies at age 50 in Europe: a new indicator. J Nutr Health aging, 11 (6), p. 508-514.
  10. Chapireau François. 2008. Quel projet épidémiologique en psychiatrie pour la statistique publique ? Revue d’épidémiologie et de santé publique, 56, p. 399-406.


INRETS – PFI-SHT Plate-Forme Intégratrice – Situations de Handicap et Transports.

  1. Doriot N., Wang X. A comparative study of the maximum voluntary range of motion of the upper limb joints in younger and older subjects. Ergonomics. 2006, 49(3/22), 269 – 281.
  2. Javouhey E, Guerin AC, Gadegbeku B, Chiron M, Floret D. Are restrained children under 15 years of age in cars as effectively protected as adults? Arch Dis Child. 2006, 91(4): 304-8.
  3. Lobjois, R., Cavallo, V. Age-related Differences in Street Crossing Decisions: The Effects of Vehicle Speed and Time Constraint on Gap Selection in an Estimation Task. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2007, 39 : 934-943.
  4. Bermond F, Dolivet C, Bruyère K, Vezin P. Safety review of wheelchair users in road passenger vehicles, Journal of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomechanical Engineering, SB38. 2008, vol 11 suppl 1, 33-34.
  5. Chateauroux, E., Wang X. Effects of age, gender and target location on seated reach capacity and posture, Human Factor. 2008, 50(2), 211–226.
  6. Etienne, V., Marin-Lamellet, C. and Laurent, B. (2008). Évolution du contrôle exécutif au cours du vieillissement normal. Revue Neurologique 164, pp.1010-1017
  7. Brusque, C. and Alauzet, A. (2008). Analysis of the individual factors affecting mobile phone use while driving in France: Socio-demographic characteristics, car and phone use in professional and private contexts. Accident Analysis & Prevention 40(1), pp.35-44.
  8. Hours M, Fort E, Charnay P, Bernard M, Martin JL, Boisson D, Sancho P-O, Laumon B. Diseases, consumption of medicines and responsibility for a road crash: a case-control study Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2008, 40(5): 1789-1796.
  9. Lafont S, Amoros E, Gadegbeku B, Chiron M, Laumon B. The impact of driver age on lost life years for other road users in France: a population based study of crash-involved road users. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2008, 40: 289-294.
  10. Marin-Lamellet, C., Aymond, P. Combining verbal information and a tactile guidance surface: the most efficient way to guide people with visual impairments in transport stations? British Journal of visual impairment. 2008, vol 26(1), 63-81.


INSERM – U953 Epidémiologie en Santé périnatale et Santé des femmes et des enfants.

  1. Delobel-Ayoub M, Arnaud C, White-Koning M, Casper C, Pierrat V, Garel M, Burguet A, Roze JC, Matis J, Picaud JC, Kaminski M, Larroque B for the Epipage Study Group. Behavioural problems and cognitive performance at 5 years of age after very preterm birth: the Epipage study Pediatrics 2009 ; 123 :1485-92
  2. Larroque B, Ancel PY, Marret S, Marchand L,      André M, Arnaud C, Pierrat V, Rozé JC, Messer J, Thiriez G, Burguet A, Picaud JC, Bréart G, Kaminski M, for the Epipage study group. Neurodevelopmental disabilities and special care of 5-year-old-children born before 33 weeks of gestation : (the Epipage study) a longitudinal cohort study. Lancet. 2008 ;371 :813-20
  3. Foix-L’hélias L, Marret S, Ancel PY, Marchand L, Arnaud C, Freson J, Picaud JC, Rozé JC, Théret B, Burguet A, Larroque B, KAMINSKI M and the Epipage Study group. Impact of the use of antenatal corticosteroids on mortality, cerebral lesions and 5-year neurodevelopmental outcomes of very preterm infants : the Epipage cohort study. BJOG 2008 ; 115 : 275-82
  4. Bodeau-Livinec F, Marlow N, Ancel PY, Kurinczuk JJ, Costeloe K, Kaminski M. The impact of intensive care practices on short and long-term outcomes for extremely preterm babies: a comparison between the British Isles and France. Pediatrics 2008 ;122 ;e1014-e1021
  5. Bodeau-Livinec F, Surman G, Kaminski M, Wilkinson AR, Ancel PY, Kurinczuk JJ. Trends in visual impairment and blindness. Arch Dis Child 2007 2007;92(12):1099-104
  6. Khoshnood B, Blondel B. Regional variations in trends for multiple births : A population-based evaluation in France, 1972 – 2003. Twin Res Human Genetics 2007; 10: 406-415
  7. Marret S, Ancel PY, Marpeau L, Marchand L, Pierrat V, Larroque B, Foix – L’helias L, Thiriez G, Fresson J, Alberge C, Roze JC, Matis J, Breart G, Kaminski M for the Epipage Study Group. Neonatal and 5-year outcomes after birth at 30-34 weeks’gestation: the Epipage Cohort Study. Obstet Gynecol, 2007, 110 : 72-80
  8. Ancel PY, Livinec F, Larroque B, Marret S, Arnaud C, Pierrat V, Dehan M, N’guyen S, Escande B, Burguet A, Thiriez G, Picaud JC, Andre M, Breart G, Kaminski M, and the Epipage study group. Cerebral palsy in very preterm children in relation with gestational age and neonatal ultrasound abnormalities : the Epipage cohort study. Pediatrics,2006, 117 : 828-835.
  9. Khoshnood B, De Vigan C, Vodovar V, Goujard J, Lhomme A, Bonnet D, Goffinet F. Trends in prenatal diagnosis, pregnancy termination, and perinatal mortality of newborns with congenital heart disease in France, 1983-2000: a population-based evaluation. Pediatrics 2005; 115:95-101
  10. Livinec F, Ancel PY, Marret S, Arnaud C, Fresson J, Pierrat V, Rozé JC, Escande B, Thiriez G, Larroque B, Kaminski M and the Epipage Group. Prenatal risk factors for cerebral palsy in very preterm singletons and twins. Obstet Gynecol, 2005 ; 105 :1341-7


INSERM – U558 Epidémiologie et analyse en Santé publique : risques, maladies chroniques et handicap.

  1. FauconnierJ, Dickinson H, Beckung E, Marcelli M, McManusV, Michelsen S, Parkes J, ParkinsonK, Thyen U, Arnaud C, Colver A. Participation of 8-12-year-old children with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional European study. BMJ. 2009 Apr 24; 338:b1458.
  2. Delobel-Ayoub M, Arnaud C, White-Koning M, Casper C, Pierrat V, Garel M, Burguet A, Roze J-C, Matis J, Picaud J-C, Kaminski M, Larroque B. Behavioral problems and cognitive performance at five years of age after very preterm birth: The EPIPAGE Study, Pediatrics 2009 Jun; 123(6): 1485-92.
  3. Vignes C, Coley N, Grandjean H, Godeau E, Arnaud C. Measuring children’s attitudes towards their disabled peers in epidemiological studies: a review of instruments. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008 Mar; 50(3): 182-9.
  4. White-Koning M, Grandjean H, Colver A, Arnaud C. Parent and professional reports of the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy and associated intellectual impairment Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008 Aug; 50(8): 618-24.
  5. Larroque B, Ancel PY, Marret S, Marchand L, André M, Arnaud C, Pierrat V, Rozé JC, Messer J, Thiriez G, Burguet A, Picaud JC, Bréart G, Kaminski M ; for the EPIPAGE Study group. Neurodevelopmental disabilities and special care of 5-year-old children born before 33 weeks of gestation (the EPIPAGE study): a longitudinal cohort study. Lancet. 2008 Mar 8; 371(9615): 813-820.
  6. Arnaud C, White-Koning M, Ishoy Michelsen S, Parkes J, Parkinson K, Thyen U, Beckung E, Dickinson H, Fauconnier J, Marcelli M, McManus V, Colver A. Parent-reported quality of life of children with cerebral palsy in Europe. Pediatrics 2008 Jan; 121(1): 54-64.
  7. Dickinson HO, Parkinson KN, Ravens-Sieberer U, Schirripa G, Thyen U, Arnaud C, Beckung E, Fauconnier J, McManus V, Michelsen SI, Parkes J, Colver A. Self-reported quality of life of 8-12 year old children with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional European study. Lancet. 2007 Jun 30; 369(9580): 2171-8.
  8. Arnaud C, Daubisse-Marliac L, White-Koning M, Pierrat V, Larroque B, Grandjean H, Alberge C, Marret S, Burguet A, Ancel PY, Supernant K, Kaminski M. Minor Neuromotor Dysfunctions at the age of 5 years in prematurely born children: prevalence and associated factors. The EPIPAGE Study. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2007 Nov; 161(11): 1053-61.
  9. White-Koning M, Arnaud C, Bourdet-Loubere S, Bazex H, Colver A, Grandjean H. Subjective quality of life in children with intellectual impairment--how can it be assessed? Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005 Apr; 47(4): 281-5.
  10. Vignes C, Godeau E, Sentenac M, Coley N, Navarro F, Grandjean H, Arnaud C. Determinants of student’s attitudes toward peers with disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2009 Jun; 51(6): 473-9.


CERMES Centre de Recherche Médecine, Science, santé et Société (INSERM U750, CNRS UMR8169).

  1. Ville I.Biographical work and returning to employment following a spinal cord injury. Sociology of Health and Illness, 2005, 27(3), 322-348.
  2. Verger P, Aulagnier M, Souville M, Ravaud J-F, Lussault P-Y, Garnier J-P, Paraponaris A. Women with disabilities: general practitioners and breast cancer screening. Am J Prev Med, 2005, 28(2): 215-220.
  3. Albert T, Ravaud J-F, and the TETRAFIGAP Group. Rehabilitation of spinal cord injury in France: a nationwide multicentre study of incidence and regional disparities. Spinal Cord, 2005, 43(6): 357-65.
  4. Leclerc A, Chastang J-F, Ozgulger A, Ravaud J-F. Chronic back problems among persons 30 to 64 years old in France Spine, 2006, 31(4): 479-484.
  5. Ville I., Winance M.To work or not to work ? The occupation trajectories of wheelchair users: a narrative approach. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2006, 28(7), 423-436.
  6. Winance M.Trying out Wheelchair. The mutual shaping of people and devices through adjustment. Science, Technology & Human Values, 2006, 31, 1, 52-72.
  7. Dray-Spira R, Gueguen A, Ravaud J-F, Lert F. Socioeconomic Differences in the Impact of HIV Infection on Workforce Participation in France in the Era of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. Am J Public Health, 2007,97(3): 552-558.
  8. Dechartres A, Boutron I, Nizard R, Poiraudeau S, Roy C, Ravaud J-F, Ravaud P. Evolution of disability in adults with hip arthroplasty: a national longitudinal study Arthritis Rheum, 2007, 57(3): 364-371.
  9. Ville, I., KhlatT, M. Meaning, coherence of self and health. An approach based on narratives of life events. Social Science and Medicine, 2007, 64, 1001-1014.
  10. Vignier N, Ravaud J-F, Winance M, Lepoutre F-X, Ville I. Demographics of wheelchair users in France: Results of national community-based handicaps-incapacités-dépendance surveys Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2008, 40(3): 231-239? 


RHEOP – Isère Registre des Handicaps de l’Enfant et Observatoire Périnatal de l’Isère.

  1. Jarvis S, Glinianaia SV, Arnaud C, Fauconnier J, Johnson A, McManus V, Topp M, Uvebrant P, Cans C, Krageloh-Mann I, on behalf of the SCPE collaboration of European Cerebral Palsy. Case gender and severity in cerebral palsy varies with intrauterine growth. Arch Dis Child 2005; 90:474-479.
  2. Glinianaia SV, Jarvis S, Topp M, Guillem P, Platt MJ, Pearce MS, Parker L. Intrauterine growth and cerebral palsy in twins: A European multicentre study. Twin Res Hum Genet 2006,9:460-466.
  3. Guillem P, Cans C, Guinchat V, Ratel M, Jouk PS. Trends, perinatal characteristics, and medical conditions in pervasive developmental disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2006 Nov; 48(11): 896-900.
  4. Platt MJ, Cans C, Johnson A, Surman G, Topp M, Torrioli MG, Krageloh-Mann I. Trends in cerebral palsy among infants of very low birthweight (<1500 g) or born prematurely (<32 weeks) in 16 European centres: a database study. Lancet. 2007 Jan 6; 369(9555): 43-50.
  5. Guillem P, Cans C, Robert-Gnansia E, Aymé S, Jouk PS. Rare diseases in disabled children: an epidemiologic survey. Arch Dis Child. 2008 Feb; 93(2):115-8.
  6. C. Racinet. L’expertise obstétricale judiciaire en question (application à l’infirmité motrice d’origine cérébrale). Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et biologie de la Reproduction 2008,37:219-222.
  7. Beckung E, Hagberg G, Uldall P, Cans C. Probability of walking ability in children with cerebral palsy in Europe. Pediatrics 2008; 121: e187-e192.
  8. Garne E, Dolk H, Krägeloh-Mann I, Holst Ravn S, Cans C. Cerebral palsy and congenital malformations. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2008 Mar; 12(2): 82-8.
  9. Gainsborough M, Surman G, Maestri G, Colver A, Cans C. Validity and reliability of the guidelines of the surveillance of cerebral palsy in Europe for the classification of cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008 Nov; 50(11): 828-31.
  10. Krägeloh-Mann I, Cans C. Cerebral palsy update. Brain Dev. 2009 Aug; 537-44.


INSERM – Equipe Démographie et Santé, Montpellier. 

  1. Cambois, E., Clavel, A., Romieu, I., Robine J-M. Trends in disability-free life expectancy at age 65 in France: consistent and diverging patterns according to the underlying disability measure. Eur J Ageing. 2008; 5:287-298.
  2. Jagger C, Gillies C, Moscone F, Cambois E, Van Oyen H, Nusselder W, Robine J-M, EHLEIS Team. Inequalities in healthy life years in the 25 countries of the European Union in 2005: a cross-national meta-regression analysis. The Lancet. 2008; 372(9656): 2124-2131.
  3. Robine J-M, Cheung S, Le Roy S, Van Oyen H, Griffiths C, Michel J-P, et al. Death toll exceeded 70,000 in Europe during the summer of 2003 / Plus de 70 000 décès en Europe au cours de l'été 2003. Comptes rendus biologies. 2008; 331(2):171-178.
  4. Cambois E, Laborde C, Robine J-M. A double disadvantage for manual workers: more years of disability and a shorter life expectancy. Population & société. 2008 January (441):1-4.
  5. Robine J-M, Michel J-P, Herrmann FR. Who will care for the oldest people in our ageing society? Br Med J. 2007; 334(7593): 570 - 571
  6. Cheung SLK, Robine J-M. Increase in common longevity and the compression of mortality: the case of Japan. Pop Studies. 2007; 61(1): 85-97.
  7. Cheung SLK, Robine J-M, Tu EJC, Caselli G. Three dimensions of the survival curve: horizontalization, verticalization, and longevity extension. Demography. 2005; 42(2): 243-258.
  8. Robine J-M, Jagger C. The relationship between increasing life expectancy and healthy life expectancy. Ageing Horizons. 2005(3): 14-21.
  9. Robine J-M, Paccaud F. Nonagenarians and centenarians in Switzerland, 1860-2001: a demographic analysis. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2005; 59(1): 31-37.
  10. Cambois E, Robine J-M, Romieu I. The influence of functional limitations and various demographic factors on self-reported activity restriction at older ages. Disab Rehabil. 2005; 27(15): 871-883.


Univ. Montpellier 1 – JE 2516 Santé, Education et Situations de Handicap.

  1. Garcia MP., Cruz, F., Munoz, A., Montoya, R., Prados., Pappous, A., Botella, M. (à paraître). The influence of health care providers’ emotions on clinical judgment regarding diagnosis of the terminally ill. Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology.
  2. Ferez S. & Luaute J.-P., (2008) « L’activité physique et sportive comme outil médico-psychologique ? Etude de l’offre de pratiques en direction des personnes infectées par le VIH », Annales médico-psychologiques, Vol. 166, n° 10, 847-849.
  3. Ferez S., Elling A. & Liotard P. (2009), « Sport homosexuel, mouvement social en enjeux autour de la définition du corps gay et lesbien  », Nouvelles questions féministes, Vol. 28, n° 1, 84-97.
  4. Gleyse, J. (2009) Paschal Grousset, contre le Baron Pierre Frédi de Coubertin : deux idéologies des pratiques physiques au tournant du XIXe et du XXe siècle. « Mystique de gauche » et « Mystique de droite », Bulletin de la société Jules Verne, 169-170, mars-juin. Paris, Burlat.
  5. Gleyse J., & Rouanet, S. (2009, in print) Les oxymores moraux de l’éducation physique en France (1869-2000), European studies in sport history, 3, CESH, Leicester.
  6. Soares C. & Gleyse J. (2008) Os manuais escolares franceses de Educação Física, de Hygiene e de Moral entre 1880-2004 seriam sexistas?, Educaçao e sociedade, v. 28, 102, jan-abr, Campinas, Autores associados, SP, Brésil.
  7. Banens M., Marcellini A., Le Roux N., Fournier L.S., Mendes-Leite R., Thiers-Vidal L. (2007). L’accès à la vie de couple des personnes vivant avec un problème de santé durable et handicapant : une analyse démographique et sociologique, Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, 2, 2007, pp. 57-82.
  8. 8.      Pappous A., Cruz F., Leseleuc de E., Marcellini A., Recours R.,  Schmidt J., (2007), La visibilidad de la deportista paralimpica en la prensa espanola. Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio Fisico FOB, 3 (2), 12-32
  9. Leseleuc de E. (2006), Del macro  al micro; del analisis de la postmodernidad al de la reflexividad, Revista Internacional de Sociologia, CESIC, 253-257
  10. Dresp B., Marcellini A., Leseleuc de E., (2005). What a beautiful stump ! Ecological constraints on categorical perception of photographs of mutilated human bodies, In Perception, 34 (supplement), and 86.


Univ Paris 9 – LEDa-LEGOS

  1. Brigitte Dormont, Anne-Laure Samson. Medical Demography and Intergenerational inequalities in General Practitioners’ Earnings. Health Economics 2008, Vol. 17, 1037-1055.
  2. S. Bahrami, J. Holstein, G. Chatellier, Y.-E. Le Roux. Lien entre durée de séjour et qualité des soins en chirurgie et en obstétrique: étude de deux procédures à partir des données du PMSI. Revue d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 2008, 56, 79-85.
  3. C. Begley, G. Baker, E. Begui, J. Butler, D. Chisholm, J. Langfitt, P. Lévy, C. Pachlatko, S. Wiebe, K. Donaldson. Cross-country measures for monitoring epilepsy care by ILAE Commission on healthcare policy. Epilepsia, 2007, 48(5) : 990-1001.
  4. Ville, Isabelle; Jusot, Florence; Khlat, Myriam. Social origins, early hardship and obesity: A strong association in women, but not in men? Social Science and Medicine 2009; 68, 9: 1692–1699.
  5. L’offre de contrats d’assurance dépendance en France en 2006 à partir d’un échantillon de 34 contrats, Document de travail DREES
  6. L’Etat-providence en France depuis la fin des années 1990, Revue belge de Sécurité sociale, n°2006/4, numéro spécial « L’état de l’Etat-Providence dans l’UE en 1990 et 10 ans plus tard avec 10 nouveaux états membres »
  7. « Providing care for an elderly parent: interactions among siblings », en revision, Health Economics, forthcomings (2009).
  8. « Les configuration d’aide familiales mobilisées autour des personnes âgées dépendantes en Europe », Economie et Statistique, n°403-404 (2007).
  9. " Inégalités de santé liées à l'immigration en France : effet des conditions de vie ou sélection à la migration ? ", Revue Economique, 60, 2 : 385-411 (2009).
  10.  « Solidarités familiales en Europe », Le Vieillissement en Europe, La Documentation française (2006)


Univ. Rennes 2 – EA 1285 Centre de Recherche en Psychologie, Cognition et Communication.

  1. Caillies, S. & Le Sourn-Bissaoui, S. (2008). Children’s understanding of idioms and theory of mind development. Developmental Science, 11, 5, 703-711.
  2. Delanoë, A., Dardier, V., Deleau, Le Maner-Idrissi, G., Jardel, D., Laurent-Vannier, A., Pinochet, C.; Cattelotte, V., Tsimba, V. (2007). L’analyse des émotions et des situations de communication chez des enfants et des adolescents lésés frontaux. Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique, 50,  7,  582-589.
  3. Lacroix, A., Bernicot, J. & Reilly, J. (2007) Narration and collaborative conversation in French-speaking children with Williams syndrome. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 20(6), 445-461.
  4. Lacroix, A., Guidetti, M., Rogé, B. & Reilly, J. (2009). Recognition of emotional and non-emotional facial expressions in Williams’ syndrome and autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30, 976-985.
  5.    Lacroix, A., Pezet, M., Capel, A., Bonnet, D., Hennequin, M., Jacob, M.-P., Bricca, G., Couet, D., Faury, G., Bernicot, J., & Gilbert-Dussardier, B. (2009). Le syndrome de Williams-Beuren : une approche multidisciplinaire. Archives de Pédiatrie, 16(3), 273-282.
  6.    Lacroix, A., Stojanovik, V. & Lukacs, A. (2009). What do we learn on language acquisition from Williams syndrome? Language and Linguistics: Emerging Trends. Nova Publishers, pp.177-192.
  7.    Laval, V., de Weck, G., Chaminaud, S. & Lacroix, A. (2009). Contexte et compréhension des expressions idiomatiques : une étude chez des enfants francophones présentant une dysphasie de type phonologique syntaxique. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 68(1), 51-60.
  8.    Le Maner-Idrissi, G., Barbu, S., Bescond, G., D’haese, P., & Godey, B. (2008). Cochlear implants and cognitive and social development in children. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 50, pp 793-799.
  9.    Le Maner-Idrissi, G., Pajon, C.,  Baligand, Z., Dardier, V., Deleau, M., Tan-Bescond, G., & Godey, B. (2008). Implant cochléaire et développement des  échanges conversationnels. Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 40(2), 120-127.
  10.    Le Sourn-Bissaoui, S., Caillies, S., Gierski, F. & Motte, J. (2009) Inference processing in adolescents with Asperger’s Syndrome: Relationship with Theory of Mind abilities.  Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders,3, 797-808.


Axe B : Recherche Clinique et en Sciences de la Réadaptation


Centre des Neurosciences de Lyon - Equipe IMPACT

  1. 1.       Khan AZ, Pisella L, Vighetto A, Cotton F, Luaute J, Boisson D, Salemme R, Crawford JD, Rossetti Y. Optic ataxia errors depend on remapped, not viewed, target location. Nature Neuroscience, 2005, 8 (4): 418-420
  2. 2.       Tilikete C, Vighetto A, Trouillas P, Honnorat J. Anti-GAD antibodies and periodic alternating nystagmus. Archives of Neurology, 2005, 62 (8): 1300-1303.
  3. 3.       Luaute J, Michel C, Rode G, Pisella L, Jacquin C, Costes N, Cotton F, le Bars D, Boisson D, Halligan P, Rossetti Y. Functional anatomy of the therapeutic effects of prism adaptation on left neglect. Neurology, 2006, 66 (12): 1859-1867.
  4. 4.       Blangero A, Ota H, Delporte L, Revol P, Vindras P, Rode G, Boisson D, Vighetto A, Rossetti Y, Pisella L. Optic ataxia is not only 'optic': Impaired spatial integration of proprioceptive information. Neuroimage, 2007, 36: T61-T68.
  5. 5.       Michel C, Pisella L, Prablanc C, Rode G, Rossetti Y. Enhancing visuomotor adaptation by reducing error signals: Single-step (aware) versus multiple-step (unaware) exposure to wedge prisms. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2007, 19 (2): 341-350.
  6. 6.       Alahyane N, Fonteille V, Urquizar C, Salemme R, Nighoghossian N, Pelisson D, Tilikete C. Separate Neural Substrates in the Human Cerebellum for Sensory-motor Adaptation of Reactive and of Scanning Voluntary Saccades. Cerebellum, 2008, 7 (4): 595-601.
  7. 7.       Brozzoli C, Ishihara M, Gobel SM, Salemme R, Rossetti Y, Farne A. Touch perception reveals the dominance of spatial over digital representation of numbers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008, 105 (14): 5644-5648.
  8. 8.       Luaute J, Schwartz S, Rossetti Y, Spiridon M, Rode G, Boisson D, Vuilleumier P. Dynamic Changes in Brain Activity during Prism Adaptation. Journal of Neuroscience, 2009, 29 (1): 169-178.
  9. 9.       Panouilleres M, Weiss T, Urquizar C, Salemme R, Munoz DP, Pelisson D. Behavioral evidence of separate adaptation mechanisms controlling saccade amplitude lengthening and shortening. J Neurophysiol, 2009, 101 (3): 1550-9.
  10. 10.     Cardinali, L., Frassinetti, F., Brozzoli, C., Urquizar, C., Roy A.CC. and Farnè, A.  Tool-use induces morphological updating of the body schema. Current Biology, 2009, 19:  R478-R479.


Univ. Paris VI -  Physiologie et physiopathologie de la motricité chez l’homme.

  1. Delmaire C, Krainik A, Tezenas du Montcel S, Gerardin E, Meunier S, Mangin JF, Sangla S, Garnero L, Vidailhet M & Lehericy S (2005) Disorganized somatotopy in the putamen of patients with focal hand dystonia. Neurology 64:1391-6.
  2. Meunier S & Hallett M. (2005) Endophenotyping: a window to the pathophysiology of dystonia. Neurology 65: 792-3.
  3. Coricelli G, Camille N, Pradat-Diehl P, Duhamel JR, Sirigu A (2006) Why Anticipated Regret Influences Subjects’Choice. Science 68:203-17.
  4. Cimatti Z, Schwartz DP, Bourdain F, Meunier S, Bleton JP, Vidailhet M, Renault B & Garnero L (2007) Time-frequency analysis reveals decreased high-frequency oscillations in writer's cramp. Brain 130:198-205.
  5. Cochen De Cock VC, Vidailhet M, Leu S, Texeira A, Apartis E, Elbaz A, Roze E, Willer JC, Derenne JP, Agid Y, Arnulf I (2007)  Restoration of normal motor control in Parkinson's disease during REM sleep. Brain 130:450-6.
  6. Delmaire C, Vidailhet M, Elbaz A, Bourdain F, Bleton JP, Sangla, Meunier S, Terrier A & Lehericy S (2007) Structural abnormalities in the cerebellum and sensorimotor circuit in writer’s cramp. Neurology 69: 376-380.
  7. Guettard E, Portnoi MF, Keren B, Rossignol S, Leu S, Apartis E, Vidailhet M, Roze E. (2008) Myoclonus dystonia associated with Silver-Russell in a patient with maternal uniparental disomy. Arch Neurol, 65(10):1380-5. PMID: 18852357 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
  8. Lamy JC, Iglesias C, Lackmy A, Nielsen JB, Katz R, Marchand-Pauvert V (2008) Modulation of recurrent inhibition from knee extensors to ankle motoneurones during human walking. J Physiol 586(Pt 24):5931-46.
  9. Roze E*, Apartis E*, Clot F, Dorison N, Thobois S, Guyant-Marechal S, Tranchant C, Damier P, Doummar D, Bahi-Buisson N, André-Obadia N, Maltete D Echaniz-Laguna A, Pereon Y, Beaugendre Y, Dupont S, De Greslan T, Jedynak CP, Ponsot G, Dussaule JC, Brice A, Dürr A, Vidailhet M (2008) Myoclonus dystonia: Clinical and electrophysiological pattern related to SGCE mutations. Neurol 70(13):1010-16, *equal contribution to the work.
  10. Lamy JC, Wargon I, Mazevet D, Ghanim Z, Pradat-Diehl P & Katz R (2009) Impaired efficiency of spinal presynaptic mechanisms in spastic patients. Brain 132:734-48.


Univ. Bordeaux 2 -  EA4136 Handicap et système nerveux ; action, communication, interaction : rétablissement de la fonction et de la participation.

  1. Muller F, Simion A, Reviriego E, Galera C, Mazaux JM, Barat M, Joseph PA. Exploring theory of mind after severe traumatic brain injury. Cortex in press.
  2. Chaumet G, Quera-Salva MA, MacLeod A, Hartley S., Taillard J, Sagaspe P, Mazaux JM, Azouvi P, Joseph PA, Guilleminault C, Bioulac B, Léger D, Philip P. Is there a link between alertness and fatigue in patients with traumatic brain injury? Neurology 2008; 71:1609-1613.
  3. De Sèze MP, Creuzé A, de Seze M, Mazaux JM. An orthosis and physiotherapy programme for camptocormia: a prospective case study. J Rehabil Med. 2008 Oct;40(9):761-765.
  4. Gagnon D, Nadeau S, Noreau L, Dehail P, Gravel D. Quantification of reaction forces during sitting pivot transfers performed by individuals with spinal cord injury. J Rehabil Med. 2008 Jun;40(6):468-76.
  5. De Sèze MP, Falgairolle M, Viel S, Assaiante C, Cazalets JR. Sequential activation of axial muscles during different forms of rhythmic behaviour in man. Experimental Brain Research 2008; 185(2): 237-247.
  6. Karsenty G, Denys P, Amarenco G, de Sèze M, Gamé X, Haab F, Kerdraon J, Perrouin-Verbe B, Ruffion A, Saussine C, Soler JM, Chartier-Kastler E. Botulinum toxin A intradetrusor injections in Adults with neurogenic detrusor overactivity/overactive bladder : A systematic literature review. Eur Urol 2008;53:275-287.
  7. Dehail P, Petit H, Joseph PA, Vuadens P, Mazaux JM. Postural instability and balance impairment 4 years after a severe traumatic brain injury: a prospective study. J Rehab Med  2007, Sep;39(7):531-6.
  8. De Sèze M, Ruffion A, Denys P, Joseph PA, Perrouin-Verbe B, from the GENULF. The neurogenic bladder in multiple sclerosis: Review of the literature and proposal of management guidelines. Multiple Sclerosis 2007; 13: 915-928.
  9. Muller F, Dehail P, Bestaven E, Petit J, Joseph PA, Barat M, Mazaux  JM, Bourdel-Marchasson I. Maximal and sustained isokinetic lower-limb muscle strength in hospitalized older people. Muscle and Nerve 2007; 35; 739-744.
  10. De Sèze MP, Sztark F, Janvier G, Joseph PA. Severe and long lasting complications of the nerve root after central neuraxial blockade. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2007; 104 : 975-979.


Univ. Nancy 1 -  Laboratoire de Réadaptation et d’Appareillage (LRA) – Institut Régional de Réadaptation.

  1. André, J.-M., C. Frenay Le Chapelain, et al. (2006). The french model of vocational rehabilitation. Existing legal plans of action for reimbursement for the defiency. Plans of action enabling preparation for job retention. Vocational rehabilitation. C. Gobelet and F. Franchignoni. Paris, Springer-Verlag France: 283-308.
  2. Paysant, J., C. Beyaert, et al. (2006). "Influence of terrain on metabolic and temporal gait characteristics of unilateral transtibial amputees." J Rehabil Res Dev 43(2): 153-160.
  3. Paysant, J., J. Saboune, et al. (2006). "Mise au point et validité d'un outil de télésurveillance du comportement locomoteur du sujet âgé en situations réelles." Ann Réadapt Méd Phys 49(7): 534.
  4. Sirveaux, F., C. Beyaert, et al. (2006). "Increasing shoe instep improves gait dynamics in patients with a tibiotalar arthrodesis." Clin Orthop Rel Res 442: 204-209.
  5. Beis, J.-M., J. Paysant, et al. (2007). "Specular right-left disorientation, finger-agnosia and asomatognosia in right hemisphere stroke." Cog Behav Neurol 20(3): 163-169.
  6. Beyaert, C., C. Grumillier, et al. (2008). "Compensatory mechanism involving the knee joint of the intact limb during gait in unilateral below-knee amputees." Gait and Posture 28: 278-284.
  7. Grumillier, C., N. Martinet, et al. (2008). "Compensatory mechanism involving the hip joint of the intact limb during gait in unilateral trans-tibial amputees." J Biomech 41(14): 2926-2931.
  8. Datié A-M, Paysant J, Destainville S, Saguez A, Beis J-M, André J-M. Eye movements and visuoverbal descriptions exhibit heterogeneous and dissociated patterns before and after prismatic adaptation in unilateral spatial neglect. Europ J Neurol 2005: proposé pour publication.
  9. Paysant J, Beyaert C, Datié A-M, Martinet N, André J-M. Effect of ground surface on energy expenditure for walking, free walking speed and walk ratio in single-leg transtibila amputees. J Rehabil Res Dev 2005:proposé pour publication.
  10. Sirveaux F, Beyaert C, Paysant J, Molé D, André J-M. Increasing shoe instep improves gait dynamics in patients with a tibiotalar arthrodesis. Clin Orthop Rel Res 2006;442:204-209.


Univ. Paris V -  Cochin Rééducation et Réadaptation de l’Appareil Locomoteur et des Pathologies du rachis.

  1. Rannou F, Dimet J, Boutron I, Baron G, Fayad F, Macé Y, Beaudreuil J, Richette P, Ravaud P, Revel M, Poiraudeau S. Splint for base-of-thumb osteoarthritis: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2009 May 19;150(10):661-9.
  2. Lefevre-Colau MM, Fayad F, Rannou F, Fermanian J, Coriat F, Mace Y, Revel M, Poiraudeau S. Frequency and interrelations of risk factors for chronic low back pain in a primary care setting. PLoS One. 2009;4(3):e4874. 
  3. Dechartres A, Boutron I, Nizard R, Poiraudeau S, Roy C, Baron G, Ravaud P, Ravaud JF. Knee arthroplasty: disabilities in comparison to the general population and to hip arthroplasty using a French national longitudinal survey. PLoS One. 2008 Jul 2;3(7):e2561.
  4. Fayad F, Roby-Brami A, Gautheron V, Lefevre-Colau MM, Hanneton S, Fermanian J, Poiraudeau S, Revel M. Relationship of glenohumeral elevation and 3-dimensional scapular kinematics with disability in patients with shoulder disorders. J Rehabil Med. 2008 Jun;40(6):456-60.
  5. Boutron I, Rannou F, Jardinaud-Lopez M, Meric G, Revel M, Poiraudeau S. Disability and quality of life of patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis in the primary care setting and factors associated with general practitioners' indication for prosthetic replacement within 1 year. Osteoarthritis Cartilage.2008 Sep;16(9):1024-31.
  6. Fayad F, Hanneton S, Lefevre-Colau MM, Poiraudeau S, Revel M, Roby-Brami A. The trunk as a part of the kinematic chain for arm elevation in healthy subjects  and in patients with frozen shoulder. Brain Res. 2008 Jan 29;1191:107-15.
  7. Lefevre-Colau MM, Babinet A, Fayad F, Fermanian J, Anract P, Roren A, Kansao  J, Revel M, Poiraudeau S. Immediate mobilization compared with conventional immobilization for the impacted nonoperatively treated proximal humeral fracture. A randomized controlled trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2007 Dec;89(12):2582-90.
  8. Fayad F, Roby-Brami A, Yazbeck C, Hanneton S, Lefevre-Colau MM, Gautheron V,  Poiraudeau S, Revel M. Three-dimensional scapular kinematics and scapulohumeral rhythm in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis or frozen shoulder. J Biomech. 2008;41(2):326-32.
  9. Coudeyre E, Tubach F, Rannou F, Baron G, Coriat F, Brin S, Revel M, Poiraudeau S. Effect of a simple information booklet on pain persistence after an acute episode of low back pain: a non-randomized trial in a primary care setting. PLoS One. 2007 Aug 8;2(1):e706.
  10. Dechartres A, Boutron I, Nizard R, Poiraudeau S, Roy C, Ravaud JF, Ravaud P.  Evolution of disability in adults with hip arthroplasty: a national longitudinal study. Arthritis Rheum. 2007 Apr 15;57(3):364-71.


 CHU Limoges Evaluation et prises en charge du Handicap post-AVC

  1. Zhou Z, Salle JY, Daviet JC , Stuit A, Nguyen CL. Combined approach in bedside assessment of aspiration risk post stroke: PASS. Dysphagia 2009 sous press.
  2. Puisieux F, D'andrea C, Baconnier P, Bui-Dinh D, Castaings-Pelet S, Crestani B, Desrues B, Ferron C, Franco A, Gaillat J, Guenard H, Housset B, Jeandel C, Jebrak G, Leymarie-Selles A, Orvoen-Frija E, Piette F, Pinganaud G, Salle JY, Strubel D, Vernejoux JM, De Wazières B, Weil-Engerer S. [Swallowing disorders, pneumonia and respiratory tract infectious disease in the elderly.] Rev Mal Respir. 2009 Jun;26(6):587-605. French.
  3. Lefaucheur JP, Labat JJ, Amarenco G, Herbaut AG, Prat-Pradal D, Benaim J, Aranda B, Arne-Bes MC, Bonniaud V, Boohs PM, Charvier K, Daemgen F, Dumas P, Galaup JP, Sheikh Ismael S, Kerdraon J, Lacroix P, Lagauche D, Lapeyre E, Lefort M, Leroi AM, Opsomer RJ, Parratte B, Prévinaire JG, Raibaut P, Salle JY, Scheiber-Nogueira MC, Soler JM, Testut MF, Thomas C. What is the place of electroneuromyographic studies in the diagnosis and management of pudendal neuralgia related to entrapment syndrome? Neurophysiol Clin. 2007 Aug-Sep;37(4):223-8.
  4. De Sèze M, Gallien P, Denys P, Labat JJ, Serment G, Grise P, Salle JY, Blazejewski S, Hazane C, Moore N, Joseph PA.  Intravesical glucidic capsaicin versus glucidic solvent in neurogenic detrusor overactivity: a double blind controlled randomized study. Neurourol Urodyn. 2006;25(7):752-7.
  5. Daviet JC, Stuit A, Verdié-Kessler C, Nguyen Hoang C, Munoz M, Salle JY, Dudognon P. Nombre de lits dédiés à la pathologie vasculaire cérébrale en soins de suite et de réadaptation. Les recommandations nationales sont-elles pertinentes ? Ann Réadapt Méd Phys 2006 ;49 :632-39.
  6. Daviet JC, Verdié-Kessler C, Stuit A, Popielarz S, Sinzakaraye A, Munoz M, Salle JY, Dudognon P. Facteurs prédictifs du devenir fonctionnel et du retour à domicile après un premier accident  vasculaire cérébral hémisphérique. Ann Réadapt Méd Phys 2006 ;49 :49-56.
  7. Daviet JC, Rebeyrotte I, Lacroix P, Preux PM, Dudognon P,  Munoz M, Salle JY. Reliability of transcutaneous oxygen tension (TcPO2) measurement on the back of the hand in controls and stroke patients. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004;85(7):1102-05.
  8. Daviet JC, Borie MJ, Salle JY, Popierlarz S, Verdié C, Munoz M,  Rebeyrotte I, Dudognon P. Epidémiologie et signification pronostique des troubles vésico-sphinctériens après un premier accident vasculaire cérébral hémisphérique. Ann Réadapt Méd Phys 2004 ;47(8) :531-36.
  9. Verdié C, Daviet JC, Borie MJ, Popierlarz S, Munoz M, Salle JY, Rebeyrotte I, Dudognon P. Epidémiologie des pieds varus et/ou équin un an après un premier accident vasculaire cérébral hémisphérique : à propos d’une cohorte de 86 patients. Ann Réadapt Méd Phys 2004 ;47 :81-86.
  10. Daviet JC, Preux PM, Salle JY , Lebreton F, Munoz M, Dudognon P , Pélissier J , Perrigot M. Clinical factors in the prognosis of complex regional pain syndrome type I after stroke - a prospective study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2002;81:34-39.


Univ. Saint Etienne -  EA4338 Laboratoire de Physiologie de l’Exercice.

  1. Degache F, Calmels P, Garet M, Barthélémy J, Costes F, Roche F. Heart rate during isokinetic strength testing on quadriceps muscles in chronic heart failure patients. Isokinet exerc sci. In press. 2009 In press.
  2. Calmels P, Queneau P, Hamonet C, Le Pen C, Maurel F, Lerouvreur C, Thoumie P. Effectiveness of a lumbar belt in subacute low back pain: an open, multicentric, and randomized clinical study. Spine. 34(3); 215-220. 2009.
  3. El Mhandi L, Millet GY, Calmels P, Richard A, Oullion R, Gautheron V, Féasson L. Benefits of interval-training on fatigue and functional capacities in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Muscle Nerve. 37(5); 601-610. 2008.
  4. Rimaud D, Boissier C, Calmels P. Evaluation of the effects of compression stockings using venous plethysmography in persons with spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med. 31(2); 202-207. 2008.
  5. Rimaud D, Calmels P, Roche F, Mongold J, Trudeau F, Devillard X. Effects of Graduated Compression Stockings on Cardiovascular and Metabolic Responses to Exercise and Exercise Recovery in Persons With Spinal Cord Injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 88(6); 703-709. 2007.
  6. El Mhandi L, Calmels P, Camdessanché JP, Gautheron V, Féasson L. Muscle strength recovery in treated guillain-barré syndrome: a prospective study for the first 18 months after onset. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 86(9); 716-724. 2007.
  7. Degache F, Garet M, Calmels P, Costes F, Bathélémy J, Roche F. Enhancement of isokinetic muscle strength with a combined training programme in chronic heart failure. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 27(4); 225-230. 2007.
  8. Courbon A, Calmels P, Roche F, Ramas J, Rimaud D, Fayolle-Minon I. Relationship Between Maximal Exercise Capacity and Walking Capacity in Adult Hemiplegic Stroke Patients. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 85(5); 436-442. 2006
  9. Garet M, Degache F, Pichot V, Duverney D, Costes F, Isaaz K, Lacour JR, Barthelemy JC, Roche F. Relationship between daily physical activity and ANS activity in patients with CHF. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 37(8); 1257-1263. 2005.
  10. Rimaud D, Calmels P, Devillard X. [Training programs in spinal cord injury]. Ann Readapt Med Phys. 48(5); 259-269. 2005.


Axe C : Fonctionnement sensori-moteur, Technologies pour l’autonomie et Systèmes de compensation


CIC-IT 805, Centre d’Investigation Clinique - Innovations Technologiques – Technologies au Service du handicap.

  1. Pénisson-Besnier I, Devillers M, Porcher R, Orlikowski D, Doppler V, Desnuelle C, Ferrer X, Bes MC, Bouhour F, Tranchant C, Lagrange E, Vershueren A, Uzenot D,  Cintas P, Solé G, Hogrel JY, Laforêt P, Vial C, Vila AL, Sacconi S, Pouget J, Eymard B, Chevret S, Annane D. Dehydroepiandrosterone for myotonic dystrophy type 1. Neurology. 2008 Aug 5;71(6):407-12.
  2. Previnaire JG, Soler JM, El Masri W, Denys P. Assessment of the sympathetic level of lesion in patients with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2009 Feb;47(2):122-7.
  3. Bernabé J, Julia-Guilloteau V, Denys P, Chartier-Kastler E, Alexandre L,Peeters M, Giuliano F. Peripheral neural lesion-induced stress urinary incontinence in anaesthetized female cats. BJU Int. 2008 Nov;102(9):1162-7.
  4. Gamé X, Chartier-Kastler E, Ayoub N, Even-Schneider A, Richard F, Denys P. Outcome after treatment of detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia by temporary stent. Spinal Cord. 2008 Jan;46(1):74-7.
  5. Roche N, Schnitzler A, Genêt F F, Durand MC, Bensmail D. Undesirable distant effects following botulinum toxin type a injection. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2008 Sep-Oct;31(5):272-80.
  6. Laffont I, Bensmail D, Lortat-Jacob S, Falaize L, Hutin C, Le Bomin E, Ruquet  M, Denys P, Lofaso F. Intermittent positive-pressure breathing effects in patients with high spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 Aug;89(8):1575-9.
  7. Andrieu MC, Quentin C, Orlikowski D, Desmarais G, Isabey D, Louis B, Lofaso F. Inductive plethysmography to control volume-targeted ventilation for leak compensation. Intensive Care Med. 2008 Jun;34(6):1150-5.
  8. Fauroux B, Guillemot N, Aubertin G, Nathan N, Labit A, Clément A, Lofaso F. Physiologic benefits of mechanical insufflation-exsufflation in children with neuromuscular diseases. Chest. 2008 Jan;133(1):161-8.
  9. Terzi N, Orlikowski D, Fermanian C, Lejaille M, Falaize L, Louis A, Raphael JC, Fauroux B, Lofaso F. Measuring inspiratory muscle strength in neuromuscular disease: one test or two? Eur Respir J. 2008 Jan;31(1):93-8.
  10. Robertson JV, Pradon D, Bensmail D, Fermanian C, Bussel B, Roche N. Relevance  of botulinum toxin injection and nerve block of rectus femoris to kinematic and functional parameters of stiff knee gait in hemiplegic adults. Gait Posture. 2009 Jan;29(1):108-12.


CNAM – Laboratoire Brigitte Frybourg pour l’Insertion sociale des personnes handicapées.

  1. Kastrup, V., Sampaio, E., de Almeida, M.C., & Carijó, F.H. (2009) O aprendizado da utilização da substituição sensorial visuo-tátil por pessoas com deficiência visual.  Psicologia e Sociedade, sous presse.
  2. Segond, H., Weiss, D. & Sampaio, E. (2007). Can we propose a Tactile Vision Substitution System to Blind Babies? Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, Vol. 101, N° 1, 32-43.
  3. 3.      Olin, C., Rougier, P., Fouilleul, A., Sampaïo, E., & Liard, C. (2005). Les effets posturaux d’un feedback tactile lingual.  In :  Ph Villeneuve, B Weber et M Lacour (Eds), Posturologie Clinique. Collection Posture et Equilibre, Editions Solal, Marseille.
  4. 4.      Weygand, Z. (2006). Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Jacques Lusseyran, Et la lumière fut, Préface de Jacqueline Pardon, Paris, éditions du Félin, coll. "Résistance-Liberté-Mémoire", 2005, 282 p., in Esprit, n° 327, Août-Septembre 2006, p. 250-256.
  5. 5.      Coudereau, J.P., Guéguen, N., Pratte, M. & Sampaio, E. (2006). Tactile precision in right-handed archery experts with visual disabilities: a pseudoneglect effect? Laterality, Vol. 11, issue 2, 170-180.
  6. 6.      Le Roy, C. (2005). Travail en milieu ordinaire. Attentes et représentations. Revue Pratiques en Santé mentale, n°4, p.4-9.
  7. Segond, H., Weiss, D. & Sampaio, E. (2005). Human spatial navigation via a visuo-tactile sensory substitution system. Perception, 34, 1231-1249.



CNRS –UMR7060 Laboratoire de Neurobiologie des Réseaux Sensorimoteurs (LNRS).

Equipe 1 (Maier)

  1. Lindberg P, Ody C, Feydy A, Maier MA. Precision in isometric precision grip force is reduced in middle-aged adults. Experimental Brain Research 2009 193(2):213-24.
  2. Gentili RJ, Papaxanthis C, Ebadzadeh M, Eskiizmirliler S, Ouanezar S, Darlot C. Integration of gravitational torques in cerebellar pathways allows for the dynamic inverse computation of vertical pointing movements of a robot arm. PLoS ONE. 2009;4(4):e5176. Epub 2009 Apr 22.
  3. M. Zago, J. McIntyre, P. Senot and F. Lacquaniti (2009) Visuo-motor coordination and internal models for object interception. Exp Brain Res 192:571-604.
  4. J. McIntyre  and M. Lipshits (2008) Central processes amplify and transform anisotropies of the visual system in a test of visual-haptic coordination. Journal of Neuroscience 28: 1246 – 1261.
  5. Damm L, McIntyre J (2008) Physiological basis of limb-impedance modulation during free and constrained movements. J Neurophysiol. 100: 2577-88.
  6. Schmidlin E, Brochier T, Maier MA, Kirkwood PA, Lemon RN. Pronounced reduction of digit motor responses evoked from macaque ventral premotor cortex after reversible inactivation of M1 hand area. Journal of Neuroscience, 2008, 28 : 5772-83.
  7. Feydy A, Liote F, Carlier R, Chevrot A, drape JL. Cervical spine and crystal-associated diseases : imaging findings. European radiology, 2006, 16 : 459-68.
  8. Grinyagin IV, Biryukova EV, Maier MA. Kinematic and dynamic synergies of human precision grip movements. Journal of neurophysiology, 2005, 94 : 2284-2294.
  9. Maier MA, Shupe LE, Fetz EE. A dynamic neural network model for the premotoneuronal circuitry controlling wrist movements in primates. Journal of computational neuroscience, 2005, 19 : 125-146.
  10. 10.    P. Senot, M. Zago, F. Lacquaniti and J. McIntyre (2005) Anticipating the effects of gravity when intercepting moving object: Differentiating up and down with non-visual cues. Journal of Neurophysiology  94: 4471 – 4480.

Equipe 2 (Vidal)

  1. Beraneck M, Uno A, Vassias I, Idoux E, De Waele C, Vidal PP, Vibert N. Evidence against a role of gap junctions in vestibular compensation. Neurosci Lett. 2009 Jan 30;450(2):97-101.
  2. Motoneuron survival is promoted by specific exercise in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Deforges S, Branchu J, Biondi O, Grondard C, Pariset C, Lécolle S, Lopes P, Vidal PP, Chanoine C, Charbonnier F. J Physiol. 2009 Jul 15;587(Pt 14):3561-72.
  3. Combes D, LE Ray D, Lambert F, Simmers J, Straka H. An intrinsic feed-forward mechanism for vertebrate gaze stabilization. Current biology, 2008, 18 : R241-3.
  4. Beraneck M, Pfanzelt S, Vassias I, Rohregger M, Vibert N, Vidal PP, Moore LE, Straka H. Differential intrinsic response dynamics determine synaptic signal processing in frog vestibular neurons. The Journal of neuroscience, 2007, 27 : 4283-4296.
  5. Eugene D, Deforges S, Guimont F, Idoux E, Vidal PP, Moore LE, Vibert N. Developmental regulation of the membrane properties of central vestibular neurons by sensory vestibular information in the mouse. The Journal of physiology, 2007, 583 : 923-94.
  6. Miyamoto T, Fukushima K, Takada T, DE Waele C, Vidal PP. Saccular stimulation of the human cortex : a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroscience Letters, 2007, 423 : 68-72.
  7. Idoux E, Serafin M, Fort P, Vidal PP, Beraneck M, Vibert N, Mühlethaler M,  Moore LE. Oscillatory  and  intrinsic  membrane  properties  of  guinea  pig  Nucleus  Prepositus  Hypoglossi neurons in vitro. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2006, 96 : 175 – 96.
  8. Lelard T, Jamon M, Gasc JP, Vidal  PP. Postural development in rats. Experimental neurology, 2006, 202 : 112 – 124.
  9. Lepecq JC, DE Waele C, Mertz-josse S, Teyssedre C, Tran ba huy P, Baudonniere PM, Vidal PP. Galvanic vestibular stimulation modifies vection paths in healthy subjects. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2006, 95 : 3199-20.
  10. Maurice M, Gioanni H, Abourachid A. Influence of the behavioural context on the optocollic reflex (OCR) in pigeons (Columba livia). The Journal of experimental biology, 2006 Jan, 209 : 292-3017.

Equipe 3 (de Waele)

  1. Mbongo F, Qu'hen C, Vidal PP, Tran Ba Huy P, de Waele C. Role of vestibular input in triggering and modulating postural responses in unilateral and bilateral vestibular loss patients. Audiol Neurootol. 2009;14(2):130-8.
  2. Argence M, Vassias I, Kerhuel L, Vidal PP, de Waele C. Stimulation by cochlear implant in unilaterally deaf rats reverses the decrease of inhibitory transmission in the inferior colliculus. Eur J Neurosci. 2008 Oct;28(8):1589-602.
  3. Szatanik M, Vibert N, Vassias I, Guénet JL, Eugène D, de Waele C, Jaubert J. Behavioral effects of a deletion in Kcnn2, the gene encoding the SK2 subunit of small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels. Neurogenetics. 2008 Oct;9(4):237-48.
  4. Aleore L, Ardehali MR, Vassias I, Vidal PP, DE Waele C ; Amino acid transporter (VIAAT, VGLUT2) and chloride cotransporter (KCC1, KCC2 and NKCC1) expression in the vestibular nuclei of intact and labyrinthectomized rat. Experimental Brain Research, 2007, 182 : 449-58.
  5. Mbongo F, Tran huy P, Vidal PP, DE Waele C. Relationship Between Dynamic Balance and Self-Reported Handicap in Patients Who Have Unilateral Peripheral Vestibular Loss. Otology & Neurotology, 2007, 28 : 905-910.
  6. Argence M, Saez I, Sassu R, Vassias I, Vidal PP, DE Waele C. Modulation of inhibitory and excitatory synaptic transmission in rat inferior colliculus after unilateral cochleectomy: An in situ and immunofluorescence study. Neuroscience, 2006, 141 : 1193-207.
  7. Avan P,Bbonfils P. Distortion-product otoacoustic emission spectra and high-resolution audiometry in noise-induced hearing loss. Hearing Research, 2005, 209 : 68-75.
  8. Campos-Torres A, Touret M, Vidal PP, Barnum S, DE Waele C. The differential response of astrocytes within the vestibular and cochlear nuclei following unilateral labyrinthectomy or vestibular afferent activity blockade by transtympanic tetrodotoxin injection in the rat. Neurocience, 2005, 130 : 853-65.
  9. Eleore L, Vassias I, Vidal PP, DE Waele C. Modulation of the glutamatergic receptors (AMPA and NMDA) and of glutamate vesicular transporter 2 in the rat facial nucleus after axotomy. Neuroscience, 2005, 136 : 147-60.
  10. Eleore L, Vassias I, Vidal  PP, Triller A, DE Waele C. Modulation of glycine receptor subunits and gephyrin expression in the rat facial nucleus after axotomy. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2005, 21 : 669-78.


CNRS –UMR8119 Neurophysique et Physiologie.

  1. Roux L., Hanneton S., Roby-Brami A. Shoulder movements during the initial phase of learning manual wheelchair propulsion in able-body subjects. Clinical Biomechanics 2006, 21 S1: S45-51.
  2. Hoffmann G, Laffont I, Hanneton S Roby-Brami A, How to extend the elbow with a weak or paralysed triceps? Control of arm kinematics for aiming in C6-C7 quadriplegic patients. Neuroscience 2006, 139, 749-765.
  3. Laffont I, Hoffmann G, Dizien O, Revol M, Roby-Brami A How do C6-C7 tetraplegic patients grasp balls of different sizes and weights? Effect of surgical musculo-tendinous transfers. Spinal Cord,. 2007 45(7):502-512.
  4. Auvray, M., Hanneton, S. and O'Regan, J. K. Learning  to perceive with a visuo-auditory substitution system: Localisation and object recognition with 'The vOICe'. Perception, 2007, 36(3): 416-430.
  5. Fayad, F, Roby-Brami A, Yazbeck C, Hanneton S, Lefevre-Colau MM,  Gautheron V, Poiraudeau S, Revel M. Three-dimensional scapular kinematics and scapulohumeral rhythm in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis or frozen shoulder. J. Biomech 2008;41(2):326-332.
  6. Fayad, F, Hanneton, S Lefevre-Colau, MM, Poiraudeau, S; Revel, M; Roby-Brami, A. The trunk as a part of the kinematic chain for arm elevation in healthy subjects and in patients with frozen shoulder. Brain research, 2008 1191:107-115.
  7. Fayad, F. Roby-Brami, A. Gautheron, V. Lefevre-Colau, MM, Hanneton, S, Fermanian, J., Poiraudeau, S. Revel M. Relation of glenohumeral elevation and 3-D scapular kinematics to disability in patients with shoulder disorders. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2008 Jun;40(6):456-60.
  8. Jacobs, S. Combeaud, M, Bussel, B., Roby-Brami, A. The use of a tool requires its incorporation into the movement: evidence from stick-pointing in apraxia. Cortex 2009 Apr;45(4):444-55.
  9. 9.      Bensmail D,  Robertson J,  Fermanian C, Roby-Brami A, Botulinum toxin to treat upper limb spasticity in hemiparetic patients: 1. analysis of  function and kinematics of reaching movements. In press, neurorehab and neural repair. 
  10. 10.    Bensmail D,  Robertson J,  Fermanian C, Roby-Brami A, Botulinum toxin to treat upper limb spasticity in hemiparetic patients: 2 Grasping strategies and kinematics of reaching to grasp movements. In press, neurorehab and neural repair.


Fondation Garches.

Cette équipe n’ayant pas vocation à une activité conduisant naturellement à publication, sont seulement listées des publications obtenues par les bousiers de la Fondation Garches.

  1. Lofaso F, Dauger S, Matrot B, Vardon G, Gaultier C, Gallego J. Inhibitory effects of repeated hyperoxia on breathing in newborn mice. Eur Respir J 2007;29:18-24.
  2. Roche N, Even-Schneider A, Bussel B, Bensmail D. Management of increase in spasticity in patients with intrathecal baclofen pumps]. Ann Readapt Med Phys. 2007 Mar;50(2):93-9.
  3. Regnaux JP, Pradon D, Roche N, Robertson J, Bussel B, Dobkin B. Effects of loading the unaffected limb for one session of locomotor training on laboratory measures of gait in stroke. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2008 Jul;23(6):762-8.
  4. Robertson JV, Pradon D, Bensmail D, Fermanian C, Bussel B, Roche N. Relevance of botulinum toxin injection and nerve block of rectus femoris to kinematic and functional parameters of stiff knee gait in hemiplegic adults. Gait Posture. 2009 Jan;29(1):108-12.
  5. Lourenço G, Iglesias C, Marchand-Pauvert V. Effects produced in human arm and forearm motoneurones after electrical stimulation of ulnar and median nerves at wrist level. Exp Brain Res. 2007 Apr;178(2):267-84.
  6. White-Koning M, Grandjean H, Colver A, Arnaud C. Parent and professional reports of the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy and associated intellectual impairment. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008 Aug;50(8):618-24.
  7. Vuillerme N, Pinsault N, Chenu O, Demongeot J, Payan Y, Danilov Y. Sensory supplementation system based on electrotactile tongue biofeedback of head position for balance control. Neurosci Lett. 2008 Feb 6;431(3):206-10.
  8. Vernet M, Yang Q, Daunys G, Orssaud C, Kapoula Z. TMS of the posterior parietal cortex delays the latency of unpredictable saccades but not when they are combined with predictable divergence. Brain Res Bull. 2008 May 15;76(1-2):50-6.
  9. Lamy JC, Wargon I, Baret M, Ben Smail D, Milani P, Raoul S, Pénicaud A, Katz R. Post-activation depression in various group I spinal pathways in humans. Exp Brain Res. 2005 Oct; 166(2):248-62.
  10. Chabrier S, Saliba E, Nguyen The Tich S, Charollais A, Varlet MN, Tardy B, Presles E, Renaud C, Allard D, Husson B, Landrieu P. Obstetrical and neonatal characteristics vary with birthweight in a cohort of 100 term newborns with symptomatic arterial ischemic stroke. Eur J Paed Neurol. In press.


GIS – IRRH Institut Régional de Recherche sur le Handicap du Nord-Pas-de-Calais.

Cette composante de l’IFRH étant elle-même une fédération de 5 équipes, la liste de ses principales publications a été portée à 30 au lieu des 10, afin de mieux refléter son activité scientifique.

  1. Dean J. Krusienski, Eric W. Sellers, François Cabestaing, Sabri Bayoudh, Dennis J. McFarland, Theresa M. Vaughan, Jonathan R. Wolpaw, A comparison of classification techniques for the P300 speller, Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 299-305, Déc. 2006. (ISSN: 1741-2560).
  2. François Cabestaing, Theresa M. Vaughan, Dennis J. Mc Farland, Jonathan R. Wolpaw, Classification of evoked potentials by Pearson’s correlation in a brain-computer interface, AMSE-journals (Barcelona, Spain), Modelling C, vol. 67, pp. 156-166, Fév. 2007.
  3. Aurélien Van Langhenhove, Marie-Hélène Bekaert, François Cabestaing, Jean-Paul N'Guyen, Interfaces cerveau-ordinateur et rééducation fonctionnelle: étude de cas chez un patient hémiparésique, Sciences et Technologies pour le Handicap (Hermes), vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 41-54,  2008.
  4. François Cabestaing, Alain Rakotomamonjy, Introduction aux BCI, dans Actes du 21eme Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'07), (Troyes, France), pp. 617-620, Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT), Sep. 2007.
  5. Aurélien Van Langhenhove, Marie-Hélène Bekaert, François Cabestaing, Vers une BCI utilisable en dehors du milieu clinique, dans CEPADUES-EDITIONS, pp. 369-375.
  6. François Cabestaing, Theresa M. Vaughan, Dennis J. McFarland, Jonathan R. Wolpaw, Classification des potentiels évoqués par corrélation de Pearson dans une interface cerveau-ordinateur, dans Nouvelles Technologies au service de l'homme, quatrième conférence, HANDICAP'2006, pp. 184-189, IFRATH, Juin 2006.
  7. François Cabestaing, Les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur, dans Applications Médicales de l'Informatique : Nouvelles Approches (AMINA'2008), (Monastir, Tunisia), Nov. 2008.
  8. Claudine Lecocq, François Cabestaing, Les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur pour la palliation du handicap moteur sévère, dans conférence HANDICAP'2008 (N. Vigouroux, P. Gorce, ed.), (Paris), pp. 180-189, Cépaduès, Juin 2008. 
  9. François Cabestaing, EEG-based brain computer interfaces for enhanced communication, dans Proceedings of the First International Conference on Human Machine iNteraction, HuMaN'07 (University of Tlemcen, Algeria, ed.), (Timimoun, Algeria), Mars 2007.
  10. François Cabestaing, Classifier training: always an optimization scheme ?, dans Brain-Computer Interface Technology: Third International Meeting, BCI'05, (Rensselaerville, NY, USA), Juin 2005. Workshop on Signal Processing and Classification.
  11. Pudlo P., Lempereur M., Lepoutre F-X., Gorce P. (2009). A new method for simulating the car-entering movement, International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 51, N°3/4, 341-358.
  12. Ait El Menceur M-O., Pudlo P., Gorce P., Thevenon A., Lepoutre F-X. (2008). Alternative Movement Identification in the Automobile Ingress and Egress for Young and Elderly Population with or without Prostheses. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, pp. 1078-1087, Volume 38, Issues 11-12.
  13. Grislin-Le Strugeon E., Adam E., Mandiau R. (2008). Modelling Organizational Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems - Application to an Holonic Organization. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (accepté sous réserve de révisions majeures le 27/05/08).
  14. Delcroix V., Maalej M-A., PiechowiaK S. (2007). Bayesian networks versus other probabilistic models for the multiple diagnosis of large devices. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 16, pp. 417-433.
  15. Armand S., Watelain É., Mercier M., Lensel G., Lepoutre F-X. (2007). Linking clinical measurements and kinematic gait patterns of toe-walking using fuzzy decision trees. Gait & Posture, 25(3):475-84.
  16. Armand S., Watelain É., Mercier M., Roux E., Lepoutre F-X. (2006). Identification and classification of toe-walkers based on ankle kinematics, using a data-mining method. Gait and Posture, 23(2), pp. 240-248;
  17. Roux E., Maquinghen-GOdillon A-P., Caulier P., Bouttens D. (2006). A support method for the contextual interpretation of biomechanical data. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 10(1), pp. 109-118.
  18. Lempereur M., Pudlo P., Gorce P., Lepoutre F-X. (2005). An inverse model based on optimization in order to simulate the automobile accessibility movement - a pilot study. SAE 2004 Transactions Journal of Materials & Manufacturing, 5, pp. 886-895.
  19. Sala A., Guerra T-M., Babuška R. (2005). Perspectives of fuzzy systems and control. Fuzzy Sets and Systems (Special Issue: 40th Anniversary of Fuzzy Sets), 153 (3), pp. 432-444.
  20. Watelain É., Froger J., Barbier F., Lensel G., Rousseaux M., Lepoutre F-X., Thevenon A. (2005). Variability of Video-based Clinical Gait Analysis in Hemiplegia. Journal of Rehabilitation Medecine, 37(5), pp. 317-24.
  21. Mounier Y, Tiffreau V, Montel V, Bastide B, Stevens L. Phenotypical transitions and Ca2+ activation properties in human muscle fibers: effects of a 60-day bed rest and countermeasures. J Appl Physiol. 2009 Apr;106(4):1086-99.
  22. Chevutschi A, Alberty M, Lensel G, Pardessus V, Thevenon A. Comparison of maximal and spontaneous speeds during walking on dry land and water. Gait Posture. 2009 Apr;29(3):403-7.
  23. Tiffreau V, Ledoux I, Eymard B, Thévenon A, Hogrel JY. Isokinetic muscle testing for weak patients suffering from neuromuscular disorders: a reliability study. Neuromuscul Disord. 2007 Jul;17(7):524-31.
  24. Tiffreau V, Viet G, Thévenon A. Pain and neuromuscular disease: the results of a survey. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2006 Sep;85(9):756-66.
  25. Faupin A, Gorce P, Meyer C, Thevenon A. Effects of backrest positioning and gear ratio on nondisabled subjects' handcycling sprinting performance and kinematics. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2008;45(1):109-16.
  26. Devanne H, Cassim F, Ethier C, Brizzi L, Thevenon A, Capaday C.The comparable size and overlapping nature of upper limb distal and proximal muscle representations in the human motor cortex. Eur J Neurosci. 2006 May;23(9):2467-76.
  27. Faupin A, Gorce P, Campillo P, Thevenon A, Rémy-Néris O. Kinematic analysis of handbike propulsion in various gear ratios: implications for joint pain. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2006 Jul;21(6):560-6.
  28. Toulotte C, Thevenon A, Fabre C. Effects of training and detraining on the static and dynamic balance in elderly fallers and non-fallers: a pilot study. Disabil Rehabil. 2006 Jan 30;28(2):125-33.
  29. Watelain E, Froger J, Rousseaux M, Lensel G, Barbier F, Lepoutre FX, Thevenon A. Variability of video-based clinical gait analysis in hemiplegia as performed by practitioners in diverse specialties. J Rehabil Med. 2005 Sep;37(5):317-24.
  30. Rabita G, Dupont L, Thevenon A, Lensel-Corbeil G, Pérot C, Vanvelcenaher J. Differences in kinematic parameters and plantarflexor reflex responses between manual (Ashworth) and isokinetic mobilisations in spasticity assessment. Clin Neurophysiol. 2005 Jan;116(1):93-100.


INSERM – U887 Motricité et Plasticité.

  1. Brondel L., Mourey F., Mischis-Troussard C., d'Athis P. and Pfitzenmeyer P., 2005. Energy cost and cardiorespiratory adaptation in the "Get-Up-and-Go" test in frail elderly women with postural abnormalities and in controls. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 60, 98-103.
  2. Duclay J. and Martin A., 2005. Evoked H-reflex and V-wave responses during maximal isometric, concentric, and eccentric muscle contraction. J Neurophysiol. 94, 3555-3562.
  3. Millerot E., Prigent-Tessier A., Bertrand N., Faure P., Mossiat C., Giroud M., Beley A., Marie C, 2005.  Seum ferritin in stroke: a marker of increased body iron stores or stroke severity. Journal of Cerebral  Blood  Flow and Metabolism. 25, 1386-1393.
  4. Simoneau E., Martin A. and Van Hoecke J., 2005. Muscular performances at the ankle joint in young and elderly men. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 60, 439-447.
  5. Skoura X., Papaxanthis C., Vinter A., Pozzo T. 2005. Mentally represented motor actions in normal aging I. Age effects on the temporal features of overt and covert execution of actions. Behav Brain Res. 165(2):  229-239.
  6. Gentili, R., Papaxanthis, C. and Pozzo, T., 2006. Improvement and generalization of arm motor performance through motor imagery practice. Neuroscience. 137, 761-772.
  7. Laroche D., Pozzo T., Ornetti P., Tavernier C., Maillefert JF., 2006.  Effects of loss of metatarsophalangeal joint mobility on gait in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Rheumatology (Oxford). 45, 435-440.
  8. Manckoundia P., Mourey F., Pfitzenmeyer P., Papaxanthis C., 2006. Comparison of motor strategies in sit-to-stand and back-to-sit motions between healthy and Alzheimer's disease elderly subjects. Neuroscience. 137, 385-392.
  9. Skoura X., Personnier P., Vinter A., Pozzo T., Papaxanthis C., 2007. Decline in motor prediction in elderly subjects: right versus left arm differences in mentally simulated motor actions. Cortex Oct ; 44 (9) : 1271-1278. Epub 2007 Dec27.
  10. Berret B., Darlot C., Jean F., Pozzo T., Papaxanthis C., Gauthier JP.,  2008. The Inactivation Principle: Mathematical Solutions minimizing the Absolute Work and Biological Implications for the Planning of Arm movements, PLoS Computational Biology (sous presse).


INSERM – U650 Laboratoire de Traitement de l’Information Médicale (LATIM). 

  1. Lempereur M., Leboeuf F., Brochard S., Rousset J., Burdin V, Remy-Neris O. In vivo estimation of gleno-humeral joint center by functionnal methods: comparison with the anatomical center, in press in journal of biomechanics.
  2. Brochard S., Lempereur M., Filipetti P., Remy-Neris O. Changes in gait following continuous intrathecal baclofen infusion for children with cerebral palsy, in press in developmental neurorehabilitation.
  3. JJ Jacq, C Schwartz, V Burdin, R Gérard, C Lefèvre, C Roux, O Rémy-Néris, Building and tracking root shapes. IEEE TB ME 2009
  4. Lempereur M., Brochard S., Brudin V, Rémy-Néris O. Difference between palpation and optoelectronic recording of scapular motion. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2009 ; 18:1.
  5. Brochard S, Remy-Neris O, Filipetti P, Bussel B. Intrathecal baclofen infusion for ambulant children with cerebral palsy, Pediatric Neurology, 2009 Apr;40(4):265-70.
  6. Jacq JJ, Cresson T, Burdin V, Roux C. Performing accurate joint kinematics from 3-D in vivo image sequences through consensus-driven simultaneous registration. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2008 May;55(5):1620-33
  7. Schwartz C, Lempereur M, Burdin V, Jacq JJ, Rémy-Néris O. Shoulder motion analysis using simultaneous skin shape registration. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2007; 2007: 533-6.
  8. Allaire S, Jacq JJ, Burdin V, Roux Ch. Ellipsoid-constrained robust fitting of quadrics with application to the 3D morphological characterization of articular surfaces. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2007; 2007: 5087-90.
  9. Brochard S, Pedelucq JP, Cormerais A, Thiebaut M, Rémy-Néris O. Satisfaction with technological equipment in individuals with tetraplegia following spinal cord injury Ann Readapt Med Phys. 2007 Mar;50(2):78-84.
  10. Faupin A, Gorce P, Campillo P, Thevenon A, Rémy-Néris O. Kinematic analysis of handbike propulsion in various gear ratios: implications for joint pain. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2006 Jul;21(6):560-6. Epub 2006 Feb 28.




CNRS UMR8005 Laboratoire de Biomécanique.

  1. Assi A, Ghanem I, Lavaste F, Skalli W (2009). Gait analysis in children and uncertainty assessment for Davis protocol and Gillette Gait Index. Gait & Posture 30(1):22-26
  2. Goujon-Pillet H, Sapin E, Fodé P, Lavaste F. Three-Dimensional Motions of Trunk and Pelvis During Trans-Femoral Amputee Gait. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2008 ; 89(1):87-94
  3. Sapin E, Goujon H, de Almeida F, Fodé P, Lavaste F. Functional gait analysis of transfemoral amputees using two different single axis prosthetic knees with hydraulic swing phase control. Prosthetics and Orthotics International. 2008 ; 32(2):201 – 218
  4. Goujon H, Bonnet X, Sautreuil P, Maurisset M, Darmon D, Fodé P, Lavaste F. A functional evaluation of prosthetic foot kinematics during lower-limb amputee gait. Prosthetics and Orthotics International. 2006 ; 30(2):213 – 223
  5. Bonnet X, Goujon H, Michelutti P, Lansade C, Fodé P, Lavaste F. Comportement du pied et de la cheville au cours de la marche de sujets asymptomatiques. ITBM-RBM (Revue Européenne de Technologie Biomédicale) 2006 ; 27(2):67 – 73
  6. Rousseau M-A, Bonnet X, Skalli W. Influence of the geometry of a ball-and-socket intervertebral prosthesis at the cervical spine : a finite element study. Spine 2008 ; 33(1):E10 - E14.
  7. Demaille-Wlodyka S, Chiquet C, Lavaste F, Skalli W, Revel M, Poiraudeau S. Cervical range of motion and cephalic kinesthesis : ultrasonographic analysis by age and sex. Spine 2007 ; 32(8):E254 - E261.
  8. Südhoff I, Driessche V, Laporte S, De Guise JA, Skalli W. Comparing three attachment systems used to determine knee kinematics during gait. Gait & Posture 2007 ; 25(4):533-543.
  9. Dumas R, Aissaoui R, Mitton D, Skalli W, de Guise JA. Personalized Body Segment Parameters from Biplanar Low-Dose Radiography. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2005:1756 - 1763.
  10. Dubousset J, Charpak G, Dorion I, Skalli W, Lavaste F, Deguise J, Kalifa G, Ferey S. [A new 2D and 3D imaging approach to musculoskeletal physiology and pathology with low-dose radiation and the standing position : the EOS system]. Bulletin de l’Académie Nationale de Médecine 2005 ; 189(2):287-297 ; discussion 297-300.


 EA1427 : Laboratoire Arts et Métiers Paris Tech d’Angers (LAMPA)

  1. Pithon, T., Weiss, P. L., Richir, S., & Klinger, E. (2009). Wheelchair Simulators: A review. Journal of Technology and Disability, 21(1-2), 1-10.
  2. Werner, P., Rabinowitz, S., Klinger, E., Korcyn, A. S., & Josman, N. (2009). The use of the virtual action planning supermarket for the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 27, 301-309.
  3. Klinger, E., Marié, R.M. and Fuchs, P. (2006). Réalité Virtuelle et Sciences Cognitives. In Cognito – Cahiers Romans de Sciences Cognitives, 3(2) :1-31.
  4. Klinger, E., Chemin, I., Lebreton, S., Marié, R.M. (2006). Virtual Action Planning in Parkinson’s Disease: a control study. Cyberpsychology and Behavior,  9(3), 342-347.
  5. Klinger, E., Bouchard, S., Légeron, P., Roy, S., Lauer, F., Chemin, I., and Nugues, P. (2005). Virtual Reality Therapy versus Cognitive Behavior Therapy for social phobia: A preliminary controlled study. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 8(1):76-88.
  6. Klinger, E. (2008). Apports de la réalité virtuelle à la prise en charge du handicap. Techniques de l'Ingénieur, [RE 98] :1-11.
  7. Klinger E., Cao X., Douguet A.S., and Fuchs P. (2009). Designing an ecological and adaptable virtual task in the context of executive functions. In: Frontiers in Neuroengineering. Conference Abstract: Annual CyberTherapy and CyberPsychology 2009 conference. Verbania-Intra, Italy.
  8. Klinger E. and Weiss P. L. (2009). Shifting towards Remote Located Virtual Environments for Rehabilitation. In: Proceedings of the Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research: Learning in the Technology Era (Eshet-Alkalai Y, Casp A, Eden S, Geri N, eds), pp 114-120. Raanana: The Open University.
  9. Josman N., Klinger E., and Kizony R. (2008). Performance within the Virtual Action Planning Supermarket (VAP-S): An executive function profile of three different populations suffering from deficits in the central nervous system.  In: Proceedings of the 7th Intl Conf. Disability, Virtual Reality & Assoc. Tech. Maia & Porto, Portugal. [Affiliation : ENSAM]
  10. Grumbach, A. et Klinger, E., responsables du dossier 45 de la revue INTELLECTICA, dossier intitulé Virtuel et Cognition (2007)


Univ. Montpellier 1 - EA2991 Movement To Health. 

  1. Dupeyron A, Perrey S, Micallef J.P, Pélissier J. (In press) Influence of back muscle fatigue on lumbar reflex adaptation during sudden external force perturbations. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology.
  2. Girard O, Micallef JP, Noual J. (In press) Alteration of neuromuscular function in squash. Journal of science and medicine in sport.
  3. Kiefer AW, Riley MA, Shockley K, Villard S, Van Orden GC. (in press) Walking changes the dynamics of cognitive estimates of time intervals. Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance.
  4. Missenard O, Mottet D, Perrey S. (In press) Factors responsible for force steadiness impairment with fatigue. Muscle & nerve.
  5. Morana C, Perrey S. (In press) Time course of postactivation potentiation during intermittent submaxial fatiguing contcations in endurance-and power-trained athletes. Journal of strength and conditioning research.
  6. Papaiordanidou M, Guiraud D, Varray A. (In press) Kinetics of neuromuscular changes during low-frequency electrical stimulation. Muscle & nerve.
  7. Perrey S. (in press) Decrease in cerebral oxygenation influences central motor outputin humans. Acta physiologica.
  8. Perrey S, Thedon T, Bringard A. (In press) Application of Near-infrared Spectroscopy in preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders: brief review. International journal of industrial ergonomics.
  9. Perrey S, Thedon T, Rupp T. (In press) NIRS in Ergonomics: its application in industry for promotion of health and Human Performance at work. International journal of industrial ergonomics.
  10. Rupp T, Girard O, Perrey S. (in press) Re-determination of the optimal stimulus intensity modifies H-reflex response after a submaximal isometric fatiguing contraction. Muscle & nerve. 


Cette fiche présente de manière synthétique les 10 meilleures publications de chaque équipe constitutives de l’IFRH pour la période 2005-2009.

Le nombre total de publications des équipes pour chaque axe est de 551 publications pour l’axe A, 765 pour l’axe B et 910 pour l’axe C.

Ce total de 2226 publications reflète la production scientifique globale des équipes constituant l’IFRH.