jeudi, 12 octobre 2017 00:00

Virtual Reality and Rehabilitation at ISPRM 2018

ISPRM 2018 is a great opportunity for us and our field of research.

ISPRM 2018 is a great opportunity for us and our field of research.

You are encouraged to submit abstracts (for posters or talks) or workshop proposals that will illustrate the variety and dynamism of the scientific activity in this field of research. Depending on the number of received abstracts, the topic may be the subject of scientific sessions, pedagogical sessions, workshops, or meetings with some experts.

Topic: Virtual Reality and Rehabilitation

There is increasing evidence in the clinical literature of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) applications as effective assessment and intervention tools in the field of rehabilitation. Their assets include personalization and control of treatment protocols and documentation of assessment, learning, and rehabilitation, all within the context of enjoyable and motivating activities provided with adapted feedback.  Our purpose is to focus on presentations of how VR and RA are being applied to learning and rehabilitation of diverse clinical populations (neurological and orthopedic) of all ages.

More information:

Submission website is open!

Submission Deadline for scientific abstracts: February 6, 2018 (see here)

Submission deadline for workshop/sessions proposals: Monday, October 30, 2017” (see here)


Evelyne Klinger, Responsible of SIPA program at IFRH (Interactive Systems for Participation and Autonomy)